
New construction and rehabilitation

Manjón arquitectos is a firm committed to elegant, innovative, functional and timeless design. Manjón arquitectos, beyond fashions, seeks to create quality architecture that improves people’s lives, creating spaces where people can rest, dream, live….. We also believe in and are committed to sustainable and self-sufficient architecture that improves the environment and protects it.

Our projects aspire to the highest energy rating. Manjon arquitectos has experience in the construction of “Passive hause” housing, as well as houses that without having this rating are highly efficient with new and innovative systems both in installations and in the materials used.

other services

Certificates And Consulting

Manjon Arquitectos carries out technical certificates for dwellings or premises such as building pathology analysis, energy certificates, expert reports, real estate valuations, etc. ….

We can advise and guide you when buying a property by carrying out a study of the following points:

. Building pathologies causes and solutions to the problem.

. Energy certificates, corresponding label and measures to efficiently reduce CO2 emissions.

. Possibilities of the house you are going to buy, making a study of the possible reforms with an approximate budget of the work to be carried out.

. We advise you on the investment you are going to make and we can put you in contact with several law firms that will advise you on all the legal issues in the buying and selling process.

Apartments Sold
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Satisfied Clients
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Houses Rented
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Listed Properties
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Real Estate Appraisals And Valuations

Manjon arquitectos valuates your property. Contact us and we will give you an approximate price of the value as well as inform you about other services we offer.

Energy Certificates

We carry out energy certificates for your home or business premises. This certificate and the corresponding label have been compulsory since 2013 for the sale or rental of your property or premises.

“From the 1st of June 2013, every existing home or building that is subject to sale or rent for more than four months, must have an energy efficiency certificate.

In the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, the certificate will be submitted to the Andalusian Register of Energy Certificates, in which both the Andalusian energy certificate provided for in Decree 169/2011 and the energy efficiency certificates issued on the basis of Royal Decree 235/2013 may be registered, and may be accessed for the purposes of registration of the certificates issued, through the Internet address of this Ministry, which may also be accessed from the portal of the Administration of the Andalusian Regional Government, and this without prejudice to the provisions of Article 38. 4 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November.

The Andalusian Register of Energy Certificates issues the energy efficiency label for existing buildings, incorporating the data provided by the certifier. Both for new registrations and for modifications or renovations of these existing buildings”.

Building Permits

Manjon Arquitectos will manage the Licence for your building work, advising you on the type of licence to apply for in each case, the municipal fees in each case and the documents to be submitted. We can apply for the licence on your behalf, saving you travelling and paperwork.

We provide a comprehensive service for the execution of your building work, taking all the necessary legal steps, depending on the town hall where the work to be carried out is located.

Urban Surveys

Manjon Arquitectos carries out the corresponding town planning studies so that you know what possibilities a plot has, how much can be built, maximum plot occupancy, feasibility studies, approximate building costs, etc…

With the information provided by the study you can assess much more accurately whether the investment you are going to make is profitable and meets your needs.

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